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2023-06-05 18:31
We are currently living in a constant state of chang. We crave stability and consistency because they make us feel secure. But the truth is, even in peaceful times, stability is just an illusion. And now, that's become even more apparent.

Just three weeks ago, I thought I had settled into my new job and felt confident🙂. But today, I find myself in a new role, starting from scratch once again🙂. Sure, you could say it's a good thing that I still have work🙂. But going through these changes isn't emotionally easy! It comes with a whole mix of anxiety, stress, apathy, and overwhelming exhaustion.

Many companies are downsizing these days, leaving many people in a situation of uncertainty and decision-making. Some have been forced to move and must adapt to a new country, searching for opportunities to earn a living.

In these circumstances, finding a job may be tougher. But here's what I want to say: don't lose hope and don't give up! In times of crisis, there are always chances to seize. Maybe it's time to pursue what you've been thinking about and dreaming of for so long. Like finally bringing your own project to life.

Of course, that doesn't mean you should stop looking for a job if you don't have a safety net. But you can start taking steps toward your project while you continue your job search. It'll give you strength, inspiration and the right mindset. Along the way, you'll gain new experiences, knowledge, maybe even find like-minded people and new friends🙂.

And trust me, life will find a way to guide you in the right direction. It always does, even if you can't see it right now!

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